and Programs
If you’re looking to launch or expand your business, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find an array of incentives and programs ranging from grants, loans, tax abatements, energy efficiency rebates, workforce development assistance and industry/university partnerships fostering the development of innovative technologies and products.

Putnam County Industrial Development Agency (IDA)
The Putnam County IDA provides incentives for private sector businesses that wish to locate or expand their operation in Putnam County through tax abatements, property tax exemptions and the issuance of tax exempt or taxable industrial development revenue bonds.
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Central Hudson Gas & Electric

Empire State Development, Mid-Hudson Region
The Mid-Hudson region, spanning seven counties, borders New York City, as well as major Northeast markets. The region has a multitude of development opportunities and a diverse economic base. Businesses of every size can take advantage of the region’s multiple railways, interstate highways and easily-accessible airports. Discover a region that is steeped in history with a focus on the future.
Tax Incentives Operational Support Growth Support Development Support
NYS Workforce Development Initiative

NYSEG Economic Development Programs
We offer a host of economic development programs to help build a strong and healthy economy in upstate New York. These programs can help existing businesses expand and attract new businesses to our service areas. Through our economic development programs, NYSEG and RG&E continue their strong collaborative effort with economic development partners at the local, regional and state levels.